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Anonymous Donor Gives €10,000 For Paphos Needy

By Bejay Browne.

A permanent resident of Paphos, who wants to remain anonymous has donated €10,000 to Paphos municipality to help those in need.

The gift was made in the form of vouchers which will be allocated to residents facing tough times, ‘especially during these difficult days in our society,” said an announcement from the municipality.

Residents of Paphos who are experiencing problems due to the coronavirus pandemic will be helped, it said.

“Our European compatriot contacted the Mayor of Paphos, Phedonas Phedonos, by telephone to tell him of his decision and asked that his name not be made public.”

The mayor warmly congratulated the donor for his kind gesture, which, he said, is an act of practical solidarity and genuine altruism, and also an additional proof of his sincere love for Paphos and its residents.

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