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Easing Of Restrictions

By Bejay Browne
Correct at the time of going to press

High school pupils will return to their classrooms from March 1 as part of the next phase of relaxations, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced.

Permission to go out a maximum of two times a day is permitted only with an approved SMS message and the curfew remains in force from 9pm to 5am for the time being.

Restaurants are expected to be allowed to resume full operations from March 16.

Gyms, dance schools and other indoor sports facilities, including swimming pools, will resume operations from March 1 and galleries and other art spaces will reopen, also visits to nursing homes are permitted.

Access to nature trails for exercise is allowed from March 1 as well as the resumption of street vending and flea markets for the sale of items other than food.

The minister said the lifting of measures should be taken gradually.

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