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Pafos United Walking Football Club

Our new committee has now been set up following the resignation of two key members. The new chairman Tony Watson has quickly made some changes and brought in two new coaches to help out with our skills training.

It is noticeable how quickly players are adapting to the new methods and the improvement in players less skillful than others is remarkable. We are also looking forward in September to the England over 60 manager holidaying in Cyprus as he has offered to do some extra skills training with us.

We really do encourage men and women thinking of taking up Walking football but worried they haven’t played for a few years to come along and see if it’s for them.

We are grateful to Billy Osbourne who, having retired as a player, now finds himself volunteered as our new Kit Manager.

Our Player of the Month Award goes to a player who in the opinion of the committee has shown commitment, skill and encouragement to others.

This month the award went to Brian Farquahar who has impressed with his all round contribution. (Photo shows Tony Watson presenting the trophy to Brian)

Off the field we have made donations to two charities Caritas (Learning Centre) and Tala cats sanctuary. We have also had a mini golf evening won by Tony Baxter and had an evening entertainment at the Mulbery Terrace Taverna.

We have recently updated our discount scheme and are grateful to the 32 businesses supporting the scheme.

More info from Tony on 99088387 or look at our website

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