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Learn How You Can Start Saving With Solar Energy

  1. We understand Domenica Solar is part of Domenica Group. Can you please explain the thought process behind entering the energy sector?

At Domenica Group, sustainable design has always been an integral part of our operation. We strongly believe that development of today should not compromise future generations.

With that in mind, we decided to join the renewable energy sector and invest in the green energy revolution in Cyprus.

  1. Can you please explain to all our readers considering installing a photovoltaic system for their home or business, the process / steps involved?

An accurate PV system design always starts by analysing the energy requirements of a particular establishment. That can gives us a good indication of the size of the system needed to cover their needs.

We take into account characteristics like roof type, orientation or available space through an on-site inspection.

Using the above, we conclude the final design and offer to the client, including a calculation of the forecasted savings per year.

Upon acceptance of the offer, we proceed with the application to the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) and subsequently, schedule an installation date.

  1. What paperwork is required in order for an application to be approved?

Our company prepares and submits all documents required by the EAC for the application, upon authorisation by the client.

However, the client still needs to provide:

a copy of the title deed (there are alternatives in case it hasn’t been issued yet),

a copy of the building permit,

a copy of the latest electricity bill,

  1. Does the type of roof matter? (Flat or curved) If yes in which ways?

That type of the roof does indeed matter as it will affect the way the PV panels will be installed.

For example, on a tilted roof, the system needs to follow the exact angle and shape of the structure. On the contrary, on a flat roof the system is supported by triangular bases (usually made of aluminium), which are installed on concrete blocks to avoid any drilling of the roof.

As a result, an installation on a flat roof tends to be slightly more expensive than a tilted one.

  1. What is an approximate timeframe form initial consultation to installation of a system?

The preparation of the application takes about 1 week, provided all the required documents mentioned above are submitted. The EAC will then usually grand permission within 2 weeks.

The installation in most households is completed within 1 day.

Upon installation, a subsequent application to the EAC and local municipality is required to confirm everything is in place and arrange for an inspection by the EAC. This application is also prepared by our company within 1 week post installation.

The EAC will then confirm an inspection date within 3-4 weeks. After the inspection, the PV system will be connected to the grid.

  1. What size system does a typical household require? For the sake of the question let’s say a typical 3 bedroom villa, with and without a swimming pool.

A typical villa in Cyprus will usually require a 4kW-5kW system, which produces between 6000-8000 kwh/year.

A pool will typically require an extra 1.5-2kW of installed system or about 2500-3000 kwh/year

It is important to note that, while the system is working, the household is supplied with energy directly from the system. Therefore, it is more cost effective to consume more energy (e.g. operate the pool’s pump) during the day.

Another important note is that for households with a 1-Phase installation, the maximum size of the system can not exceed 4.16kW.

  1. Currently, is there any government subsidy in place for people considering adding a system? What is the amount and what the requirements?

Yes, currently there is a subsidy of €250/installed kW with a maximum amount of €1000/applicant. For the above to be granted, the household must have a building permit with an application date prior to 2017.

In certain areas, typically of higher altitude, this amount is doubled. A detailed list of areas is available.

On top of the above there is an increased subsidy of €750/installed kW with a maximum of €3750, for families with 3+ children under the age of 18, and other special groups.

  1. If our readers would like to learn more, or book a free consultation for their property, how can they reach you and do you currently have any offers in place they should be aware of?

We are always available at 26 600 700 or via email at to answer any questions or for a free consultation and site-inspection.

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