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Caritas Agricultural Educational Project

“Caritas Cyprus” is successfully running a Bio Diversity/Organic Food Production System here in Paphos and the refugees and helpers are delighting in their first vegetable crops… after the season of growing their own delicious organic strawberries!

Neil McCormick, told the Paphos Post: The great reward of the work in this amazing Fruit Farm is to receive education and training in modern healthy agricultural processes and procedures and for all the families.

In addition, it is hoped that participants will gain expertise and experience that will enable them to become self-sufficient in terms of growing their own food on this God sent fertile land…

The land to carry out this project has been offered by a kind Landlord at a very realistic rent, which ensures the viability of the project and the land will be converted using Bio Diversity/Organic methods. High yield fruit and vegetables will be grown, which they intend giving away to the needy and poor in our community within Paphos.

They still would welcome – spades, forks, saws, wheelbarrows, poly tunnels, netting and an irrigation system and any old garden tools.

If anyone would like to help please email Neil McCormick:

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