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Global Paper Shortages Brings Challenges to Publishing Industries

With the challenges brought on by a mixture of high demand for raw materials and of course the disruption to supply chains, it has resulted in printers and publishers all over the world experiencing a shortage of paper.

It’s not just the current crisis that the world has gone through with the pandemic, along with the current war in Ukraine, but also the change in the need for paper. Pre-pandemic there was diminishing demand as more and more publishing moves online, this led to paper mills switching from paper to packaging.

During and continuing afterward the pandemic, demand has once again increased from publishers and producers can’t keep up. With energy prices soaring this year, this has also meant that producers have increased costs with raw pulp prices and transportation, which inevitably drives up the price of paper and with bans on Russian goods (Russia are one of the major exporters of uncoated paper), this has exacerbated the situation.

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