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West Coast Runners’ Race Success

With the welcome return of running events and races, August got off to a flying start for the club. Three of our women triumphed at the Geroskipou race on 1st August with Angela M, Linda and Pauline winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies respectively in their age groups. On the same day, several of their clubmates took part in the Annual Kathikas Fun Walk. This is a 14km downhill route on the gorgeous trails through the Akamas all the way from Kathikas down to Agios Georgios – which they ran, of course!

On 8 August, Fun Run Cy brought their event to Paphos for the first time so lots of our members took part in the 5km Aphrodite Hills Fun Run. Everyone did brilliantly but standout performance of the day was our speedy Sue who was 2nd woman!

Happy times – We’ve been making the most of the glorious weather with social events too, including a beach picnic and a boat trip recently. We also enjoy weekly group walks on Monday mornings which help us relax and recover from all the running (and partying …)! Thanks to Ruth and Di for organising and keeping us busy & entertained.

Couch-to-5k – If you would like to join in the fun and shenanigans with a lovely bunch of happy runners, we are delighted to announce that our successful Couch-to-5k course for new runners will be starting again in early October. Keep an eye on our Facebook page or website for further details!

Come along and give it a go! We welcome all runners & would-be runners! Non-members can try a couple of runs with us with absolutely no obligation. We are a very friendly, easy-going club with a wide range of abilities & ages.

You can chat to us on Facebook, check out our website or call Christine on 97757159 or Gerry on 99926291

Happy running everyone!

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