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Advertising Rates

We offer a FREE EDITORIAL & PHOTO when you book a colour eighth of a page or a larger advert for 3 months.
Remember we professionally design your advert free of charge.

File Format
All adverts to be provided in CMYK – high resolution (300dpi) JPEG, PDF, TIFF, CorelDraw format.
Failure to provide files in CMYK format will result in colour changes in print.

AD SIZES & Rates
Width x Height in Millimetres
Prices are Per month based on a 3 month booking
* Please ensure that you send your advert with the correct dimensions

Full page (250mm x 360mm)
Colour €350
Mono €280

½ page (250mm x 174mm)
Colour €232
Mono €186

1/4 page (122.5mm x 174mm)
Colour €139.50
Mono €110

1/8 page portrait (80mm x 127mm)
Colour €77
Mono €62

1/8 page landscape (122.5mm x 86mm)
Colour €77
Mono €62

6cm x 2 columns (60mm x 80mm)
Colour €33.50
Mono €27

4cm x 2 columns (40mm x 80mm)
Colour €22.50
Mono €18

4cm x 1 column (40mm x 37mm)
€30 for 3 months (mono only)

Prices above are subject to 19% vat charge
Contact us for more details ON 26632564 or 99168545


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