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Living The International In Rotary

The name of our organisation is Rotary International – for good reason. There are over 1.2 million members in 1500 clubs covering 145 countries.

Understandably many clubs are fairly homogenous – my former club in East Wales was – but not Paphos Aphrodite. We have Cypriot, English, Irish, German, Zimbabwean, Swedish, South African and North Macedonian members. Our last five Presidents have been Cypriot, Zimbabwean, English and German (2). Our rotary District is made up of 9 countries in 3 continents. We are part of a European group of 7 clubs from 7 countries that meet annually, each taking a turn to host. So nothing parochial and homogenous about us then!

We feel that we fully embrace the Rotary ideal of bringing nations and cultures together to enhance international understanding. Rotary has no religious affiliations, embracing Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Judaic cultures among many others. Our common belief is in the responsibility to do good works and help others.

Our fundraising also results in international giving. Over the last year we have donated to charitable causes in Cyprus and Lebanon and the worldwide fight to finally eliminate polio as well as disaster relief support through providing a brilliant Shelterbox.

July is the start of our Rotary year and one of the aims of Juergen Krekeler, our incoming President, is to increase our membership and, who knows, add some other nationalities to our roll call. If you would like to join us and add your skills and efforts in the service of others we would be glad to explain more about Rotary. You could make some good friends too.

Check out our webpage at You can contact us through the page. Alternatively you will find us easily on Facebook. We would love to hear from you.

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